Sunday 3 July 2016

Graham Rich – Return to Sender

In 1999 I found on a beach in Brittany a piece of wood which I wanted to send to Graham Rich. Graham Rich, the artist who adds small boats on pieces of wood, which he finds on the shoreline, by using paint or by scratching away layers of wood or paint. He was introduced to me by Ian Hamilton Finlay a few months earlier. I had the address of Graham on a piece of paper in my notebook and went with the piece of wood to the local postoffice. But at the postoffice I couldn't find the piece of paper anymore, so I didn't post the wood. Some days later I was walking on the beach and spotted a piece of paper which seemed to be washed on the shore. I picked it up and it was my note with the address of Graham.
I posted the wood, and on 11 June 2016, almost 17 years later, I received the piece of wood
by the post from Graham, with a small boat on it, including my address note and entitled 'Return to Sender'.

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